Over the course of 2015, Newquay Physiotherapy has contributed to the Knowledge and Paddle Science sections of SUP International magazine. We combine our physiotherapy knowledge in relation to stand-up paddle-boarding to help improve technique, form and efficiency when on the water.
The winter 2016 copy is currently out and asks:
Do you stretch and if so, why?
It’s impossible to actually increase the length of your muscles by stretching yet regular stretching can, for example, improve your ability to touch your toes.
This therefore poses the question: how does stretching improve your range of movement if a muscle can’t get any longer?
Grab yourself the latest copy of SUP International magazine for the ‘Truth About Stretching’, as written by Newquay Physio…
Back in the summer, we also contributed an article relating to core muscle strength. Many people think that a well defined six pack equates to a strong core and believe that a strong core can be created by performing numerous sit ups and crunches. ‘The Truth About the Core’ article argues against this and sheds light on exactly which muscles form the core and how to train them.
We’ll be contributing more articles over the course of 2016 so if SUP is your sport keep a lookout for a copy of the magazine to learn more.