The clinic is now OPEN.
At present we are following government guidelines and our priority is the safety of both our clients and staff. If you contact us for an appointment we will ask you a few screening questions to make sure that neither you or any members of your household have shown any signs of illness in the last 14 days. We will also ask you some questions regarding what you need treatment for. Based on this information we will then offer you either an online consultation or a face to face appointment. The risk of infection through attending a face to face appointment will be discussed with you. All face to face appointments will require client consent.
To help slow and stop the spread of COVID-19 we are undertaking the following workplace procedures to help protect our staff and our clients.
The Clinic
- We will triage and therefore risk assess you over the phone to ensure that neither you or any members of your household do not have any symptoms of illness and have not tested positive for COVID-19 when booking a face to face appointment with us
- Within the clinic and waiting areas a clear and visible COVID-19 poster will be displayed which will explicitly tell you not to attend your appointment if you have any symptoms of illness
- If you present at the clinic with any visible signs of illness your appointment will be cancelled immediately. We will advise you to self-isolate at home for 14 days and will rebook your appointment when all symptoms of illness have resolved
- During treatment sessions our clinicians will wear a disposable face mask and/or a face visor together with a disposable apron. If necessary our clinicians may also wear single use disposable gloves during your treatment
- Our treatment couch, pillows and face support will all be covered with single use disposable couch roll
- Our clinicians will use disposable paper hand towels after washing their hands
- All disposable items will be disposed of immediately in a clinical waste bin at the end of your treatment session. This includes face masks, aprons, gloves, couch roll and paper towels
- All surfaces in the clinic and waiting areas will be wiped down with medical grade disinfectant wipes and sanitising sprays. This includes anything that has been touched such as furniture, clinical supplies, computers, phones and door handles
- Appointments will be staggered so that we have time to disinfect surfaces between each client and to prevent clients from coming into contact with each other
- The clinical and waiting areas will be deep cleaned at the end of each day
- Within the clinic clear and visible posters will be displayed to help stop the spread of infection. These include the following signs: Please Use Hand Sanitiser, Catch It Kill It Bin It and Effective Hand Washing Technique
- Our clinicians will use sanitising hand gel at the start and end of your treatment session
- All soft equipment such as towels, pillow cases, couch covers, face covers and staff uniform will be washed daily at 60C
- Windows or doors in the clinic and waiting areas will be opened where possible to increase ventilation
- Where possible you will be asked to enter and exit the clinic via different entry and exit points
- We will not greet you by shaking hands with you on arrival at the clinic
- If at any point any of our clinicians develop any symptoms of illness we will stop working and will self-isolate for a period of 14 days. We will inform all clients who we have treated and will advise them to monitor themselves for symptoms for 14 days and to take their temperature twice a day
- Through our appointments diary we will keep a record of who has attended an appointment. This will help us to trace clients who may have been exposed to COVID-19 should any client develop symptoms following their appointment with us. If anyone does develop symptoms after attending the clinic we will inform all clients who have attended and will advise them to monitor themselves for symptoms for 14 days and to take their temperature twice a day
- Please do not attend your appointment if you or any members of your household feel unwell. Within the clinic and waiting areas a clear and visible COVID-19 poster will be displayed which will explicitly tell you not to attend your appointment if you or any members of your household have any symptoms of illness even if these symptoms are mild
- If you present at the clinic with any visible signs of illness your appointment will be cancelled immediately. We will advise you to self-isolate for 14 days at home and will rebook your appointment when all symptoms of illness have resolved
- Please attend all appointments on your own. Do not bring a friend or relative with you. If you do so they will be asked to leave. If you require help from a friend, relative or carer they will be able to assist you and help you into and out of the clinic. However they will be asked to leave immediately and asked to wait outside or in the car during your treatment session
- You will be asked to wear a face mask during your treatment session. Please try to bring your own face mask with you. If you do not have one we will provide you with a disposable face mask for the duration of your session
- You will be asked to use sanitising hand gel at the start and end of your treatment session. Sanitising hand gel will be situated prominently in the clinic and waiting areas and will be refilled regularly
- You may be asked to wear a pair of single use disposable gloves during your treatment session. These will be provided to you on entry into the clinic if we ask you to wear them
- You will have access to a sink where you are able to wash your hands. An Effective Hand Washing Technique poster is situated above this sink to promote correct hand washing technique
- If you need to cough or sneeze please cover your face by bending your elbow or by covering your mouth and nose with a tissue. Tissues are supplied in prominent places at the clinic and all used tissues must be disposed of immediately into a clinical waste bin
- Where possible please use separate entry and exit points at the clinic to prevent coming into contact with other clients
- Please do not linger in the waiting areas at the end of your appointment
- We are unable to treat anyone within a vulnerable group. This includes anyone who is more vulnerable to illness such as those with respiratory conditions, heart disease, weakened immune system, diabetes and those over the age of 70
We thank you for your co-operation in helping to keep both us and you safe in these unprecedented times